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Version: 1.0

Product feed

In order to complete the product feed integration you need to implement an endpoint providing the product feed in the following format:

Product feed

<g:availability>in stock</g:availability>
<g:price>100.00 USD</g:price>

Product feed fields

PRODUCT_IDThe product ID (your internal ID of the product)YesString
PRODUCT_TITLEThe product titleYesString
PRODUCT_DESCRIPTIONThe product descriptionYesString
PRODUCT_LINKThe product linkYesURL
PRODUCT_IMAGEThe product imageYesURL
GENDERThe product genderYesString [male, female, unisex]
SIZEThe product sizeYesString
CONDITIONThe product conditionYesString [new, used]
AVAILABILITYThe product availabilityYesString [in stock, out of stock, preorder, etc]
PRICEThe product priceYesString
ADDITIONAL_IMAGE_LINKAdditional product imagesNoURL
BRANDThe product brandNoString
AGE_GROUPThe product age groupNoString [newborn, infant, toddler, kids, adult]
COLORThe product colorNoString
CATEGORYThe product categoryNoString
PRODUCT_TYPEThe product typeNoString
TAGSThe product tagsNoString